New Technology Allows Facial Recognition of Delivery Drivers

Serve, a technology company focused on Blockchain and Last Mile applications, has introduced integrated facial recognition technology for delivery fleet drivers.
Serve, a technology company focused on Blockchain and Last Mile applications, has introduced integrated facial recognition technology for delivery fleet drivers. – Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
Serve, a technology company focused on Blockchain and Last Mile applications, has introduced integrated facial recognition technology for delivery fleet drivers.
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
Last Mile and Blockchain technology development company Serve has introduced integrated a new facial recognition system into its Blockchain logistics operating platform.
Spurred on by requests from the pharmaceutical industry, the company says users of its Blockchain technology can now equire facial recognition at every step of the delivery process. With this enhancement, Serve says its transparent logistics technology can now be used to secure deliveries where chain of custody and proof of delivery are critical, such as with medical devices and prescription drugs.
“The inclusion of our patented facial recognition system allows Serve to stand alone in modern, on-demand delivery and logistics technology,” says Shahan Ohanessian, CEO, Serve. “This combination of technology and forward-thinking will allow delivery providers across the world to secure sensitive products such as pharmaceuticals in ways previously unavailable to them.”
Serve’s chief technology officer, Roman Tsarovsky, says the potential for facial recognition across the whole spectrum of trucking applications is exciting. “We envision this technology enabling drivers to be ‘recognized’ by a truck, which in turn automatically loads their preferred apps and operational settings into the dash and powertrain,” he said. “It can also be used to enhance safety during daily operations too, by monitoring a driver to make sure he is alert and awake behind the wheel.”